Monday, March 2, 2015

The Beginning, but hopefully, not the end....

And so it begins....I am a 62 year old woman, living in the Pacific Northwest. We have had a wonderfully mild winter. Excuses still exist to get myself out to run. I am not a fast runner and I run intervals. Running intervals for me means running 3 minutes and walking 1 minute. I have become a gadget girl, so I have a Garmin Forerunner gps that I wear on my wrist, that I can set for any combo of running intervals. It also keeps track of my pace, mileage and route. I love it and feel lost without it. My goal has been to run at least one marathon before I get too much older. I started running about 5 years ago. Our local community classes was advertising a "learn to run your first 5K" class. I saw it and thought, why not? That class gave me the comraderie to run in a group with other "newbies". That class led to increasing my "base" and then to a "half marathon" training class. Since then, I have run several half marathons, not quickly, but fairly injury free. My times are around 3 hours plus with my best time being 2:58. As I told my co workers about my accomplishments, I guess I inspired a few other people to take up running. I never thought of myself as inspirational, but I started a movement of runners at work. A few of us have done destination runs, or meet up to run, but not on a regular basis. I know how I can be...if I am not signed up for a race, then my training slacks off. My hope is again, to run the Victoria Goodlife Fitness Marathon on Sunday, October 11, 2015 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. I have run the half at this race 2 times already. It is not a particularly hilly run and the weather is usually good running weather. I did sign up last year for the full, but did not follow through with my training, so I backed down to do the half marathon. Well, here I am again, signed up for the full marathon. Again, I have some of my co workers going as well for the 8k, half marathon and there is one more marathoner that will be in attendance. My reservations are made for the hotel, and we make it a long weekend and enjoy the city of Victoria. I hope to blog as I get my training in and see if this writing can keep me on track. I hope so as I can easily find ways to "not exercise". I am sure no one has heard that before. I know I am not the only one that finds reasons why I can't run or make it to the gym. I again hope to inspire others and inspire myself to make my goal a reality. Thank you for reading....